A Seamless Approach to the Digital Thread

Ontology-First, Hub-and-Spoke Integration Platform for Next-Gen Data Interoperability and Digital Engineering

The SBE Approach to Digital Engineering

Ontology-First Approach to Data Mapping and Ingestion

Next-Generation Graphical Ontology and Model Management User Interfaces for End Users

Hub-and-Spoke, Fully Bidirectional Connector Architecture

Built-In No-code Dashboarding and Analytics provided Out-of-the-Box

Application-Centric, Polyglot SBE Connector SDK (Java, Python, C#, and JavaScript currently supported)

Icon showing stacked boxes with lights. Representing a server tower

Full Support for Server-Based and Rich-Client Connected Systems

Completely Cloud-Agnostic Deployment Architecture

Full On-Premise or Cloud-Based CaaS Environment Support

Common Embedded User Interfaces Flatten the Learning Curve for Subject Matter Experts

Support for Classified and Air-Gapped Deployments

Where SBE Vision Provides Solutions

  • Multiple engineering tools with inherently incompatible data shapes make it difficult to attain end to end traceability across systems
  • No apples-to-apples approach to compare data from different engineering disciplines
  • Newly adopted digital engineering tools and systems, innovative as they may be, require a steep learning curve
  • End users must have the ability to manipulate data from their specific engineering vantage point
  • Most digital engineering decisions require input from several engineering domains
  • Legacy Systems must be fully integrated within modern data interoperability solutions
  • Digital engineering tools employ a variety of incompatible Configuration and Change Management paradigms
  • Enterprise-wide Reporting and Analytics must be outsourced to third-party tools
  • Data is held in tools within Cloud or On-premise Environments, depending on the tool

The SBE Platform Within Digital Engineering

SBE Vision develops cutting-edge data interoperability software that sets the standard ​for​ managing engineering data across complex product and program organizations. With continuous development of the SBE platform including new features scheduled for each upcoming release, SBE Vision will expand upon our powerful data interoperability tools that ​transform​ the world’s most complex product development ​processes.

A hub and spoke diagram. The SBE Vision logo is at the center with labels of several development aspects surround the logo. Labels include software development, PLM, CAD Tools, Reporting/Analytics, Test/Verification, Simulation/Analysis, Change Management/Workflow, Requirements, Circuits/Electrical, Office, and MBSE.
Development process label: OfficeDevelopment process label: Software DevelopmentDevelopment process label: CAD ToolsDevelopment process label: Electronic/CircuitsDevelopment process label: Reporting/AnalyticsDevelopment process label: RequirementsDevelopment process label: Text/VerificationDevelopment process label: Simulation/AnalysisDevelopment process label: Change Management/WorkflowDevelopment process label: MBSEEDevelopment process label: PLM

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